Character Arcs and Will Smith

When I told my editor, Tim Storm, I was struggling with the character arcs in The Devil Particle series he suggested reading craft books by Michael Hague and Lisa Cron. So, I checked out Michael Hague’s Story Master website and was surprised to find a video of...

Putting Writing First

In the last couple of weeks, I’ve made an important decision–I’ve decided to put my writing first. To you, this may seem an obvious thing to do, especially if you have a 9 to 5 job. If writing is my job, and it is, why don’t I just set aside...

A Holiday Gift

Happy December 21st! I hope you’re spending the weekend sipping hot cocoa or mulled wine (Glogg anyone?), while wrapping gifts, baking cookies, or decorating the tree and watching Love Actually (my favorite Christmas movie), It’s a Wonderful Life, or Elf. ...
Kristin Oakley's headshot


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