Homeschoolers and College

Are you considering homeschooling your children but are hesitant, worried they might not get into college? Rest assured that most colleges and universities eagerly accept homeschoolers. In fact, many colleges provide separate admissions pages specifically for...

Character Arcs and Will Smith

When I told my editor, Tim Storm, I was struggling with the character arcs in The Devil Particle series he suggested reading craft books by Michael Hague and Lisa Cron. So, I checked out Michael Hague’s Story Master website and was surprised to find a video of...

Unschooling and Learning to Read

I vividly remember when my daughter Caitlin learned to read. One morning when she about six years old, Caitlin stormed into the kitchen with a library picture book in her hand. It wasn’t a favorite book, in fact, it was the first time we’d taken it out. I...

Top 5 Reasons to Homeschool

In 2008, I wrote “Top 5 Reasons to Homeschool” for the July-August edition of Home Education Magazine which I’m passing along to you. Things have changed dramatically since then, so, for 2021, I’ll add a few more: no mandatory virtual schooling...
Kristin Oakley's headshot


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