As I mentioned in a recent newsletter (“I’ve Hired a Book Designer”), I’ve been working with highly-acclaimed book designer Patrick Knowles to create the cover for my soon-to-be-released book The Devil Particle. Next month, I’ll tell you about the process behind creating the designs, but now I’d like your help selecting the cover.


Before you decide which cover you like, I’ll tell you a bit more about the book. The Devil Particle is a young adult dystopian novel (also known as a near-future thriller). In The Devil Particle, scientists have discovered that evil is a known quantity that can be collected and contained, but the vessel they use has to be a teenager. Teenagers from all over the country volunteer to compete in the Vessel Trials. The winner will become the Vessel, containing of all the world’s evil and perhaps saving humanity.


Generally speaking, young adult dystopian book covers tend to have dark colors and brooding characters or unusual symbols and often a ruined cityscape (check out the covers of The Hunger Games, The Fifth Wave, and Divergent). They don’t have pink and blue pastels or a couple holding hands like on teen romance covers, or the bright colors and sketchy fonts of teen literary fiction (see Red, Royal and Blue and The Fault in Our Stars).


Most importantly, a cover has to be intriguing enough to grab the reader’s attention and interest. I’ll pick up a book simply because of its beautiful cover, no matter the genre.


So, I’ve narrowed Patrick’s designs for The Devil Particle down to my two favorites. And I have two favors to ask. First, tell me which cover design you like — “A” or “B”. Does the design grab you? Intrigue you? Give you a certain vibe? Okay, here we go:


Choice A


The Devil Particle Cover Choice A


Choice B


The Devil Particle Cover Choice B - larger character and larger, sideways-written type


Second, which blurb do you like better:

Choice C

There’s a cost to being the world’s savior. But who will pay the price?


Choice D

There’s a cost to being the world’s savior. Who will pay the price?


Be sure to let me know which cover and which blurb (with or without the “But”) you prefer!

Next month, I’ll let you know who the winner is and reveal the final cover. I’ll also tell you all about process behind designing this cover.

Thank you for your help!


What’s happening in April

Computer and legal pad

Throughout April I’m writing The Renegade — the fourth book in The Devil Particle Series. I’ve written 38,607 words (147 pages), which is about halfway. I don’t know if I’ll finish this first draft in April, but I’m gonna try.





Kristin Oakley's headshot


Hello! I'm award-winning thriller writer, Kristin A. Oakley. Sign up for my newsletter and I will send you the prequel to The Devil Particle Series.

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