20Books Vegas Conference

Last November, I attended the 20Books Vegas Conference, and it was quite a whirlwind. This was the first writers’ conference I attended where 90% of the sessions concentrated on business and 10% discussed craft. With over 2,000 attendees, it was the largest in...

A Perfect Writing Week

Do you have a passion, something that excites and inspires you? Painting, gardening, tennis, playing a musical instrument, cooking? How often do you get to pursue it? What would it be like if you had six days devoted exclusively to that passion? From June 17th to the...

Pitch Perfect

Last Saturday at Madison’s Concourse Hotel during UW-Madison Writers’ Institute, Bill Conner and I pitched our creative non-fiction book Abbey’s Ride for Life – The Bike Ride That Saved 240,000 Lives, Plus 1. If you’ve ever had a job...
Kristin Oakley's headshot


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