I’m releasing The Devil Particle on June 6th and am in intense marketing mode. There’s a lot to do in the next few weeks to get the word out.

I’ll send emails reminding ARC readers and NetGalley reviewers to post their reviews on Amazon, enter the book into contests, post announcements on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and Goodreads, line up podcast interviews, plan the book launch party with Mystery to Me Bookstore (and make sure I get the books in time), and so much more.


When the technology works, like using Publer to schedule my social media posts, it’s awesome. When it doesn’t, I’m so frustrated I’m tempted to scrap the whole thing. But I take a deep breath, go for a long walk, and then get back to it. I’m making progress, but some days it feels like I’m slogging through mud.


Other days, I’m thrilled with the results of my efforts and with the reception The Devil Particle is already receiving. For instance, Authors Brea L.R. and Margaret M. Goss wrote these wonderful reviews:

“Think Hunger Games meets Divergent with much more excitement and bigger odds.”Brea L.R., author of the Love and Surviving Series

“The Devil Particle is a gripping roller coaster of suspense that will leave you questioning the future of humanity.” – Margaret M. Goss, award-winning author of The Uncommitted

I sent these to designer Patrick Knowles who’s adding them to the back cover along with my Kirkus and Readers’ Favorite Reviews. The cover looks amazing.


Computer and legal padAfter spending hours each day on these tasks, I revised The Vessel, the second book in the series. Working on this novel in the midst of this marketing storm has saved me. It reminds me why I’m doing this. I love this story. It’s a joy to write. It fulfills me. Plus, it’s a damn good series.

Book marketing guru Tim Grahl was asked, “What does every successful author have in common?” Five of Tim’s clients had just made the New York Times bestseller list, but still it took him a moment to answer.

Then he said (paraphrasing here), “They all believe 100% in their books. They believe they’re doing readers a favor by giving them this story.” That’s how I feel about The Devil Particle Series. I can’t wait for you to read it!


I completed The Vessel revisions and sent the manuscript to five critical readers: Mary Lamphere, Caitlin Armson, Lisa Schroeter, JoAnn Huck, and Gail Pollock. They’re great at finding inconsistencies and pointing out plot issues. I’m looking forward to receiving their feedback. Once I do, I’ll revise it again and then prepare it for publication this fall.


In the meantime, I’ll keep at the marketing whirlwind — The Devil Particle is coming out soon, after all. But now that I know I have to balance this with writing, I’ll work on book three, The Runner, as well. After all, creating these stories is what it’s all about.


The Devil Particle News – mark your calendars!


March 22nd The Devil Particle eBook ready for preorders. For a limited time, the book will only be 99¢.

June 6thThe Devil Particle release date! 99¢ for the eBook (for a limited time) and $15.99 for the paperback.

The Devil Particle Release Party FlyerJune 7th, 6:00 p.m. –The Devil Particle Book Release Party at Mystery to Me Bookstore, Monroe Street, Madison, WI. This event is free and open to the public, but space is limited, so click here to reserve your spot.

The party will also be live-streamed if you want to join us remotely.


Kristin Oakley's headshot


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