Exciting news! You can now preorder The Vessel – The Devil Particle Series Book Two on Amazon. This young adult dystopian novel will be released on November 20, 2023, but you can reserve your ebook copy today!


In The Vessel:

Cover of The VesselScientists attempt to save humanity by implanting all the world’s evil into one human vessel. Will it work?


Seventeen-year-old Paul Salvage competed and won the honor of becoming that Vessel. When scientists implant the particles in Paul, the evil transforms him, cures his amnesia, and makes him remember his own act of rage. With this revelation, Paul questions whether he’ll be able to control the devil particles coursing through him.


Paul is kept in an underground laboratory where scientists monitor him and test his new super-human abilities. The government intends to confine him there indefinitely, but Paul wants to leave to aid in the reconstruction of the new society and to be with his girlfriend and grieving father. Frustrated, Paul uses his devil particle-enhanced brain to manipulate them into letting him go home for a weekend.


Will Paul be able to save the world, or will he destroy it?

Simply click here to preorder The Vessel – only $4.99 on Amazon.


Or, get a free advanced reader copy of The Vessel.


Kristin with fans at Mystery to Me

If you can’t wait until November 20th (and want the book for free), join The Devil Particle Series Launch Team. You’ll receive a free eBook or paperback in return for posting an honest review on Amazon when the book is released.

Plus, you’ll get sneak previews of the final two books in the series, access to deleted scenes, first glimpses of the final book’s cover, and discounted prices on the audiobooks (for Launch Team members only).


And get The Devil Particle for free. Hurry – this sale ends tomorrow!


If you haven’t read The Devil Particle, the first book in the series, you can now read it for free. The Devil Particle is one of 35 horror, dark sci-fi, and dystopian ebooks offered for free in the Treasures of Darkness – Stories that Surprise Giveaway. But this deal expires tomorrow! So, get your ebook copy today!


Treasures of Darkness Logo





Happy Reading!



Kristin holding her books


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