It’s official, I’m now a resident of Waukesha, Wisconsin. Last week, I moved from Madison to Waukesha to join the rest of my family who all live in the Milwaukee area. I’m now half a mile from my older daughter, her husband, and their golden retriever. And my younger daughter is 18 miles away, studying costume design at UW-Milwaukee. It’s wonderful to be so close.

Kristin with Randy Richardson and Christina Rodriguez


Plus, I shaved an hour off my drive to Chicago which means I’ll be attending the Chicago Writers Association board meetings in person and seeing Chicagoland friends more often.

In fact, May 20th, I took advantage of this and drove to Evanston to celebrate with Randy Richardson the release of his latest book, Havana Hangover. Congratulations, Randy! (Pictured — me, Randy, and Christina Rodriguez)


Kristin's living room filled with boxes


It’s been a crazy few weeks organizing, packing, and moving all while working on the launch of The Devil Particle (now available for preorder).

I was surrounded by boxes half-full with keepsakes and dishes, pictures, and books scattered on counters waiting to be packed.


I tried to ignore the clutter while I worked on a social media campaign, was interviewed for The Chicago Writes Podcast (to be released on June 1st), and planned The Devil Particle book launch party for June 7th at Mystery to Me Books.

Oh, and I revised book two, The Vessel, which I then sent to beta readers. Phew.


I’m certainly going to miss Madison. My roomy condo, the house my parents designed and built, sunsets on the Union Terrace, margaritas at Bartaco, salmon salads at Quivey’s Grove, and chai lattes at Barriques.

But what I’ll miss most is meeting with writer friends Evelyn Ann Casey, Abby Morrison, Val Biel, Christa Bruhn, Rich Brandt, and website guru Celeste Anton at the library or a coffee shop or restaurant. Luckily, I’m not too far. We’ll be able to  get together on occasion, though probably not as frequently as I’d like.

In the almost 10 years I’ve lived in Madison (this time), I completed Carpe Diem, Illinois, God on Mayhem Street, and The Devil Particle, plus I wrote multiple drafts of the other three books in The Devil Particle Series. I hope to keep that up pace in my new digs.

The Fox River with the Rivers Edge Apartments in the background


Which I’m settling nicely into. My new apartment is in the heart of Waukesha. The last time I lived in a city I attended UW-Madison and walked up State Street everyday. Now I’m excited that Waukesha’s Main Street is a 5-minute stroll and over a bridge across the beautiful Fox River.


Outside of The Steaming Cup Coffee Shop


There are three coffee shops on Main Street — Mountain Top Coffee, The Steaming Cup (pictured), and Divino Gelato Cafe. Okay, four, if you include Starbucks.


Martha Merrell’s Books on the corner is jam-packed with books and art from local artists (I plan on having a book signing there). And there are numerous bars, restaurants, and cool vintage stores. Plus, the large public library is just around the corner.


Green Guitar Sculpture


While Madison displays painted cow sculptures everywhere, downtown Waukesha showcases guitars, reminding you of their hometown guitar legend Les Paul.

Girls Rule Guitar Sculpture


And for the writer in me, there’s the Allwriters Workplace & Workshop, Carroll University with its beautiful campus, and, this fall, the Wisconsin Writers Association Conference!


So many fantastic things to explore! If you live in the Milwaukee area, contact me. I’d love to get together!


Big News:

Cover of The Devil Particle

You can preorder The Devil Particle eBook today!
For a limited time, the eBook will only be 99¢.



June 6thThe Devil Particle release date! For a limited time, the eBook will be 99¢. The paperback will be $15.99.


The Devil Particle Release Party FlyerJune 7th, 6:00 p.m. –The Devil Particle Book Release Party at Mystery to Me Bookstore, Monroe Street, Madison, WI. This event is free and open to the public, but space is limited, so click here to reserve your spot.

The party will also be live-streamed if you want to join us remotely.



Kristin Oakley's headshot


Hello! I'm award-winning thriller writer, Kristin A. Oakley. Sign up for my newsletter and I will send you the prequel to The Devil Particle Series.

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