by kristinoakley | Mar 29, 2019 | Creativity & Craft, Newsletter
I belong to an incredible group of women writers called Writers Must Eat! In addition to gathering every other month for lunch, we have a terrific Facebook page that lists resources, upcoming events, and marketing and networking opportunities. It was through the...
by kristinoakley | Mar 2, 2019 | Creativity & Craft, Newsletter
You’re probably wondering what the heck Alpha, Beta, Expert, and ARC Readers are. Writers use some or all of these readers, in addition to professional editors, to help them create the best possible books. An Alpha Reader is the first person to read the...
by kristinoakley | Dec 21, 2018 | Creativity & Craft, Newsletter
I wanted to get you something for the holidays and thought why not share my writing? So here are my Christmas gifts to you — three of my flash fiction short stories: “A Kwiki” – takes place in Madison, Wisconsin and...
by kristinoakley | Nov 30, 2018 | Creativity & Craft, Newsletter
I’d been revising the fourth draft of The Devil Particle based upon Editor Tim Storm’s comments when I came to a scene I knew needed work. Of course, Tim didn’t hesitate to point that out and offered great feedback. Without giving too much away, the...
by kristinoakley | Oct 26, 2018 | Creativity & Craft, Newsletter
Years ago, when I was writing the first draft of God on Mayhem Street, I got bored. I had written about a third of the book and it lagged but I didn’t know why. Then it dawned on me — I had no idea what Jacob Landry, my antagonist, was up to. While some...
by kristinoakley | Aug 17, 2018 | Creativity & Craft, Newsletter
This summer I’ve lived on the moon, met an autistic man who finds the love of his life, followed the investigation of a sports coach who’s suspected of murder and then turns out not to be human, visited a Scandinavian town torn apart by scandal,...