I intended to review The Outsiders by S. E. Hinton this month, but I want to tell you about my crazy reading schedule instead. I often have the privilege of reading colleagues’ books, sometimes even before they’re published. Many times I’ll swap books with other authors at fairs or buy a friend’s novel at their book launch. Additionally, a colleague might also ask me to review the ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) of their novel and write a blurb for the back cover or post a review on Amazon. I get a lot of great books this way!


Book launches


Cover of Courting the SunThis summer, I attended two book launches at Mystery to Me Bookstore in Madison. In June, Peggy Joque Williams released her historical novel, Courting the Sun. I bought a copy and began reading. Sixteen-year-old Sylvienne navigating King Louis XIV’s court had me immediately hooked.

Cover of Izzy Strikes Gold

But I had to set Sylvienne aside because I’d agreed to read Larry Sommers’ middle grade novel, Izzy Strikes Gold, and write a blurb before his book release party in July. I went from 17th century life in Versailles to a boy’s Iife in the Midwest in the 1950s—quite the trip! I highly recommend both books.



ARC reading


Cover of CandlewoodThen my good friend Evelyn Ann Casey finished her novel, Candlewood, and asked me to be an ARC reviewer. Having read several scenes of this book in its earlier stages, I was eager to see the final project, so I agreed. This novel of a young woman’s dream of marriage and children thwarted when she falls for a handsome priest will be released on February 10, 2025 and is well worth the read!

I also agreed to read and review the two books Author Val Biel is releasing this fall: Haven a middle-grade book about misplaced guilt and what home really means, and Beyond the Cemetery Gate: The Secret Keeper’s Daughter, a young adult/ adult crossover mystery suspense novel. Can’t wait!


Literary contests


During this time, I became a judge for two contests — the Chicago Writers Association (CWA) Book of the Year Contest and the 2024 Local Veterans Creative Arts Competition-Creative Writing Division. I received five novels from CWA and will pick the best of the bunch to pass on to the judge for the final selection. Several are outstanding, so selecting the finalist will be tough.

For the local veterans’ contest, I read 25 poems, short stories, and scripts, and scored each. Several of the poems gave me chills, and one short story had me thinking long after I read it. I believe I’m one of three judges, so, once the totals are tabulated, the winner will advance to the national finals. Here’s a wonderful story about last year’s winner, Elliot “E.J.” Rupert.


Did I mention that I’m also hooked on the audio version of Tana French’s The Hunter? It’s so good. But I promise, next month I’ll review The Outsiders and save The Hunter for later.


Where you can find me in September


September 10, 2024, 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. – Crafting Unforgettable Characters – one of my favorite courses to teach, I’m offering this workshop through the Wisconsin Writers Association. It’s $35 for members, $50 for nonmembers.


Columbus Art & Author Fair flyerSeptember 28, 2024, 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. – 7th Annual Columbus Art & Author Fair in Columbus, Wisconsin. My friend, Author Abigail Morrison, and I will share a table to sell books and talk with readers about our stories.

Abby’s young adult fantasy, The Yochni’s Eye is an award-winner and a great read. I’ll have copies of the soon-to-be-released tenth anniversary of Carpe Diem, Illinois, its sequel, God on Mayhem Street, and the first two books in The Devil Particle Series: The Devil Particle and The Vessel. Hope to see you there!



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